Everything food for dogs! From kibbles to wet food, to home cooked food to raw diets. Do check by often as we add new content!

Pawmeal - How to Read Pet Food Labels

How to Read Pet Food Labels – Uncover Hidden Truths behind Dog Food Namings

As pet owners, lovers and pet food makers, we did a pet food nutrition course a while back. One of the most significant things that we learned was the ability to read pet food labels. This enabled us to tell which pet food is real, and which pet food is “not exactly telling the truth”. The most glaring example? Proclaiming itself to be a “key ingredient recipe” when the ingredient could be just 3% of the total food amount! Do you usually read the big nice words on the food...

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Pawmeal Types Of Dog Food Comparison

Best Types of Cat and Dog Food? – A Quick Comparison

Not sure what type of cat or dog food to feed? Here you can find a quick (and objective) comparison on the different types of cat and dog food choices for your pet. Too long, don't want to read? Jump straight to the comparison table at the bottom. ? (Most of) today’s pets are having a good life A lot of pet owners say that their pets often eat better than them. That's because we all love our furry ones at home! And also because our little ones have body systems that are a little more particular on nutrition. Which means we...

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