Dry dog food or kibbles have been around since the World War I period. But what were hoomans feeding before the rise of kibbles? Is kibbles the best option for your furkids? Have a read around here!

Pawmeal - How to Read Pet Food Labels

How to Read Pet Food Labels – Uncover Hidden Truths behind Dog Food Namings

As pet owners, lovers and pet food makers, we did a pet food nutrition course a while back. One of the most significant things that we learned was the ability to read pet food labels. This enabled us to tell which pet food is real, and which pet food is “not exactly telling the truth”. The most glaring example? Proclaiming itself to be a “key ingredient recipe” when the ingredient could be just 3% of the total food amount! Do you usually read the big nice words on the food...

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Is Commercial Dog Food Healthy for your Pet?

A common widespread perception nowadays is that commercial pet food is seen as the default food for dogs and cats. There are many benefits associated with commercial dog food or cat food, otherwise known as kibbles. They are often advertised as convenient solutions, they are sold cheaper at large oversized packets, they are said to be able to complete your pet’s dietary needs, and the big companies have pet nutritionists working for them to formulate the dried processed food. But beneath all these, lie a lot more facts that most consumers, pet owners are unaware of. One shocking...

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